October 30, 2009

Thank You Rome When You Say Thank You

I could have cheered when I saw these ads around town extolling the virtues of a more honest, more transparent, and more courteous Rome:
Thank you Rome when you say thank you.
More helpfulness & courtesy: it's good for you and good for your city.

Ok, there are a lot of things one can complain about while living in Rome - noise, pollution, public transport, etc..(really, I do like living here, but folks, it is a big city afterall..) ..but I can think of a lot worse places to live..and of course, si mangia bene (you eat well!). And, on the whole, you find helpful and honest people..but, ok, on the occasion that you do encounter less-than-hospitable service, or downright dishonesty, you will remember it. (I have a whole separate file of 'taxi stories' that would make you shudder..) Plus, it just happens to be my biggest pet peeve of living in Rome.

I'll only give one example, not to add more grist for the mill, only because it is totally hilarious and shows the subtle ways businesses can gouge tourists if they choose to..

My example has to do with price inflation at a restaurant, which this next ad addresses..

Who doesn't inflate prices, infates with pride.
Apply the right prices: it's good for you and for your city.

There are two more adverts that I have seen; one having to do with taxi drivers inflating their fares and the other with restaurants inserting hidden fees..Hence, my personal example of a late meal one evening near the Pantheon in which, upon receipt of the check, I had to ask the waiter what the line item: Marco - €2.00  meant..(??)  to which he responded with a wide grin:

"Oh, Marco? I'm Marco, but I don't cost anything!", and promptly crossed this confusing item off our bill.. Rome is a wonderful city, but unfortunately some of these stories will be kicking around for years to come. I'll report back on any noticeable affects of the 'niceness' campaign..but somewhat 'gruff' service & attitudes (being tactful here) seem to be a Roman staple.