November 16, 2009

Pompi, The King of Tiramisu

     I've officially gained 5 pounds this week after a tiramisu splurge at the self-proclaimed Regno del Tiramisu  (with good reason!)- Pompi. No, really, this is by far the best tiramisu I, or anyone I know, have ever had. I'm not sure what Mr. Pompi is putting in this chocolate & espresso wonder, but he's got a good thing going as it seems that everyone in Rome knows this place - I asked around. Also, luckily for us, Pompi has other desserts like mousse nutella (need I say more..) and a wickedly decadent chocolate cake ..and that's just the start.  Did I mention the strawberry tiramisu? Ok, that might be taking things a bit too far..

And this could possiibly be the only place I have found in Rome that has a huge cafe area designed for long afternoons of knocking back cappuccinos, gossiping with 7 or 8 of your closest friends (Roman standards here), and enjoying Italian dessert heaven.  The have a proper dining room where you can sit for hours and not feel the press to down an espresso in 3 swigs while delicately balancing a cornetto in your other hand (my usually morning routine).  But the star remains the tiramisu....even if you arrive late & have to freeze your takeaway tin for 2 hours (it's 'hot' off the press!) before serving, it's worth it....Take the Metro A to Re di Roma and enjoy!