November 7, 2009

The Glorious Chestnut

   I'm including this post because I am consistently amazed by the appreciation (and celebration) of all things delicious (large & small) in Italy.  I first noticed these little wonders on our trip to the Castelli Romani when we literally stumbled upon a sea of them descending into the town of Nemi..

I guess it comes with being a (semi-) small town girl from California, but I had no idea what these fur balls were until closer inspection revealed their tiny cargo.  Such ignorance would probably shock the residents of Rocca del Papa who celebrated the Sagra della Castagna (annual chestnut festival) this past October 16-19th.  And, it turns out, you can find information about all of the annual festivals through the web site Sagre in Italia..maybe we will make the trek later this month to the Zucca in Festa (Pumpkin in Celebration..or perhaps all types of gourds??).  Inasmuch to say that although I wouldn't consider myself at quite the level of 'slow-foodist' I definitely have acquired a heighten appreciation for food in all its glorious forms.
     And, if you're not quite satisfied with roasting, salting, or spreading your chestnut, I also discovered these lovelies in the supermarket..Marrons Glaces.